LOCAL AUTHOR ALERT: The 1968 Music Project

Philly music-junkie and successful attorney Gregory Seltzer, the brainchild behind the Philly Music Fest, has spent the past three years writing The 1968 Music Project: The Intersection of History and Music in 1968. Honestly, I don’t know how this guy finds the time. He needs to give classes on time management.

1968 is widely recognized as one of, if not the most, turbulent years in American history. That year included North Korea seizing the U.S. Pueblo and it’s crew of 83, the My Lai Massacre, the killings of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, protests across the country for Civil Rights and against the war in Vietnam, African-American athletes standing on an Olympic podium with raised fists, feminists tried to shut down the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, and many more monumental events.

Each chapter of Seltzer’s book covers a month in 1968, featuring the historical events that took place in each month and the music released, with analysis on how history influenced the music.

If you like history, show a local author some support. If you like music, show a local author some support. If you like history and music, you best order this book immediately. Like don’t even bother finish reading this post and click this LINK and buy this jawn now.

Seltzer also did something seriously cool for this project. He put together a Spotify playlist so you can listen to music of 1968 while reading the book. I’ve been listening to the playlist this morning. It’s hard to believe all this great music came out in 1968. Music makes a great atmosphere for reading and 4th of July BBQ’s…just sayin’