A Doll’s House 20/20 Filmed in Quarantine!

Kyle Cassidy, photographer and friend of the Jawnville podcast, has a fun new project. He and actress Jennifer Summerfield did a modern adaptation of a…

Movie Etiquette: Don’t Be a Dick

Had the pleasure of seeing Leave No Trace this weekend at Philly’s Ritz East. Great movie, heavy. I recommend you see it. Of course, no…

PhilaMOCA Presents: Hair I Go Again

Like old-school hair-metal? Good documentaries? Both? You’re in luck. Our friends at PhilaMOCA have a special event going on this coming Tuesday May 3rd that…

Bobcat Does Movies….In One Line

Philly legend, and my buddy, Bobcat knows more about movies than anyone I’ve met while on this planet. While having a few at the pub,…

Movie Review: It Follows

Born and raised on horror films, I find it difficult to resist heading to the theaters to see a new release in the genre. This…

Gone Girl at the Riverview

I braved the United Riverview for a weeknight showing of Gone Girl.  I usually avoid the Riverview theater just because it’s usually packed and loud.…